STETSON promotes and implements equality and diversity. We aim at creating fairer society where everyone can participate and have the opportunity to fulfil their potential, and this involves eliminating prejudice and discrimination to deliver services that are personnel and fair.
These principles are reflected in our workplace practice and how we serve the public.
Banking on successful IT Deploymment when one of the largest management and Engineering institutions in the world was gearing up to roll out thousands of new systems to hundred s of locations, they turned to STETSON ICT and Web solutions for help.
It's an IT world. Information Technology ( IT ) is, and will continue to be, the driving force of every industry on the planet. IT is computers and communication. IT forms the infrastructure of business. IT is the enabler of the information age. IT permeates your everyday life. IT brings it all together.
Information Technology is all about combining the power of computing with the study of managerial know-how and social issues to strategically solve current problems and to creatively research future IT solutions.
Graduates with STETSON interdisciplinary IT certification are often hired as analysts or consultants as well as frequently placed in leadership-development programmes.
By graduation most students have employment offers from top companies.
STETSON ( IT ) department have dedicated seasoned professionals, highly skilled team of IT experts who combines their skills and wealth of experience with current application development technologies to provide quality service.
This unit also assist you and your organisation in facility management and support IT deployment, migration, Virtualisation, maintenance, installation and consultancy services with very low flexibility billing. Your business solution must respond to rapidly changing demands while growing with your company. It must be fast, flexible and versatile.
Recent development in Information Technology has called for a closer look at the prospect of computer system in governmental, private and public sectors.
Software Engineering is a vital part of STETSON, the department facilitates the consistent application of best practices in all dimension including people process and technology.
The computer system has found increasing use in the areas of Business Administration, planning , budgeting , quality control, Education, Banking, Data processing and compliance to mention a few.
STETSON has the expertise, exposure and man power to make computerisation easier with our integrated business package of ICT and web solutions. if you are interested in having our integrated ICT and web solution services in the following areas :
To improve the performance of your business system network, it's simple: Book online or Call on Tel: 0333-011-6575, 07798573067 and Email:,, to discuss how our service can bring specific benefits to your business. We visit you, Assess and carry out a system health check to develop specific recommendations. when you 're sure 100% happy we will implement.